Police officer Konstantinos Kotsovos testified in court for the Golden Dawn trial on Tuesday and revealed gaps, omissions and a series of unanswered questions regarding the police’s actions on the night when anti-fascist activist and rapper Pavlos Fyssas was murdered.
When he took the stand in court, the police officer frequently argued that he did not know or remember details regarding the murder of Fyssas. The court president Maria Lepenioti heard that the police essentially acted as an observer, as it does when faced with large groups.
Kotsovos stated that “at least ten officers” are needed to deal with a group of 30-40 people. The officer stated that he did not remember being informed of people carrying bats, nor did he recall testifying before judicial authorities straight after the murder.
During questioning he did “not know” why none of the suspects were arrested after the murder, despite the presence of so many police officers. He also refused to comment on the assumption of the ‘political responsibility’ of the murder by Golden Dawn and claimed to have not heard the SS-inspired chant “Blood, Honor, Golden Dawn”.