On Thursday SYRIZA intends to submit its proposal for a referendum in response to the controversial DEI privatization bill that will be voted in Parliament on Wednesday. Party leader Alexis Tsipras is expected to visit President Karolos Papoulias to request that he does not ratify the controversial bill while his proposal for a referendum is still pending.

While there is still some uncertainty regarding the referendum, senior SYRIZA officers appear confident that the five separate proposals that are expected to be submitted (by SYRIZA, DIMAR, ANEL, Golden Dawn and the Communist Party) can be aggregated, since despite their differences, they all share the same goal regarding DEI’s privatization.

The coalition government on the other hand is going to argue that since the proposals are not the same, they cannot be counted as one. In any case, the main opposition appears confident about its referendum initiative in spite of the Communist Party’s refusal to support SYRIZA’s proposal, as an estimated 15 independent MPs are expected to vote in favor.