The provisional leader of the main opposition party Evangelos Meimarakis lashed out against the government and underlined that New Democracy would prevent the country’s full collapse, during his speech in Parliament.
At the start of his speech Mr. Meimarakis criticized Parliament President Zoi Konstantopoulou for delays in the process, before turning his sights on the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, whom he accused of making “inadequate choices”. He also argued that his party will not get involved in SYRIZA’s internal problems and that a solution to the country’s political problem is necessary.
Mr. Meimarakis warned that earl elections would have a major detrimental effect, estimating that “two to two and a half months” would be wasted, with the economy coming to a complete standstill, which in turn would require an even worse bailout agreement. As such, he called the Minister to end the matter by Monday.
Finally, the provisional New Democracy leader accused the government of presenting many of its proposals as proposals made by the institutions, when in fact many of them were rejected by the previous Samaras-led coalition government. Mr. Meimarakis also stressed that New Democracy is prepared to do what it take to keep Greece in Europe and the Eurozone.