While the world is being fascinated and captivated by the archeological discoveries in the enigmatic ancient tomb that has been discovered in Amphipolis, other archeological sites are suffering from a lack of funding.

The financial crisis has unfortunately affected the archeological efforts in Santorini, which begun about half a century ago in an effort to discover the lost “Atlantis”. The “Aegean Pompeii” at Akrotiri had remained buried beneath the volcanic ash for about 3,500 years.

The archeologists in Santorini uncovered the well-preserved ruins of a Bronze Age city, where they discovered facades of two-story buildings, murals and intricate ceramic decorations remaining intact. Perhaps the most impressive find was the Golden Ibex, which was stumble upon in 1999.

With funding for the archeological efforts frozen after 47 years, local residents decided to organize a fund raiser event on the 12th of October in order to support the efforts.