According to an unnamed high-ranking Police officer who spoke to To Vima, the Police has escalated its operations for the capture of fugitive 17 November Christodoulos Xiros, fearing reprisals for the arrest of urban guerilla Nikos Maziotis two weeks ago in Monastiraki.
The police source told To Vima that Christodoulos Xiros had spoken to Nikos Maziotis over the telephone and revealed that foreign security services had provided assistance in the latter’s arrest.
While Maziotis has denied any association with the fugitive Xiros in the past, the police believe that a link between the Revolutionary Struggle and the Conspiracy of Fire Cells (SPF) may suggest otherwise; in the 2010 investigations that resulted in the arrests of Maziotis and Roupa, the DNA of an unknown person discovered in a Revolutionary Struggle hideout linking both groups.
Maziotis transferred to Diavata prison in Thessaloniki
Meanwhile, without any prior warning, Nikos Maziotis was transferred from the maximum security Korydallos prison in Athens to the Diavata prison in Thessaloniki. It appears that the transfer was to avoid Maziotis having any contact with other anarchists held at Korydallos. The transfer is expected to cause legal controversy, as the police failed to take into consideration the special medical care that Maziotis requires after being shot.