Despite the wishful thinking from New Democracy MP Dora Bakoyanni, who urged the Prime Minister to take the necessary initiatives, DIMAR is not considering returning to the coalition government, at least as long as “the Samaras politics leads to antisocial measures”.

According to a report by Ta Nea, high-ranking DIMAR officers are not convinced that they have any leeway to negotiate a return to the coalition government, when the Samaras politics lead to antisocial measures, excessive taxation and rampant unemployment. This is not final however, since PASOK is troubled by rebel MPs and the government’s parliamentary majority is under threat.

PASOK MP Triantafyllos, who was invited on a SKAI TV chat show, urged DIMAR’s parliamentary representative Vasilis Economou to reconsider rejoining the coalition government since the “broadest possible consensus is necessary, there must be a greater parliamentary majority”.

DIMAR MP Dimitris Hatzisokratis was more conciliatory in an interview he gave over the weekend, where he found it “unlikely” that DIMAR would consider a return based on the government’s current methods and politics, but would reconsider if there is a new deal to be made on the government’s political outlook.