The completion of the Tsipras government’s capitulation with the voting of the second package of painful tax measures, superfund and contingency mechanism reflects the end of leftist delusions and anti-bailout hysteria.

The SYRIZA/Independent Greeks government is now fully bound by the measures that it chose and voted for. The complaints and cries about forcibly complying with creditor demands may have been useful for the MPs to cover for their complete abandonment of what they supported until now, but from now on, they cannot act as an alibi for anyone.

With these new measures, society, businesses and the economy as a whole are undertaking another unbearable burden, to which he only antidote appears be a vague – for the time bing – settlement of the debt. It is obvious that everyone’s endurance – and patience – is running thin, while a significant section of society is feeling disappointed and deceived, since all hopes in the government have been betrayed. There is no more room for pointless battles and blaming others for Mr. Tsipras and his officers. From here on, time is counting down, in spite of their major declarations and wishful thinking.

The Prime Minister’s promises during the debate in parliament, regarding restoring the economy, productive reconstruction and rectifying injustices will be evaluated in practice on a day-to-day basis. The strategy of deception and extreme polarizing demagogy in which they had invested so much has run its course. The only option available to Prime Minister and his ministers is to implement the agreement they signed and voted.

Nobody can endure another, similar long-term review process. Despite the major cost, the only choice we have is to leave the uncertainty and stabilize the economy. This means abandoning the media spins, policies of indecision and informal leftist obsessions. Otherwise, they will quickly realize that they will pay price for their political cynicism so far.