Αναλύσαμε την ομιλία ορκωμοσίας του προέδρου Τραμπ, στην οποία κήρυξε την έναρξη μιας «χρυσής εποχής» για την Αμερική, εστιάζοντας στο έθνος, στη μεταναστευτική πολιτική, στην οικονομική ανάκαμψη και την επαναφορά της κυριαρχίας.
Στις 200 σελίδες των απομνημονευμάτων της η σύζυγος του Ντόναλντ Τραμπ αποφασίζει να πει πολλά. Κυρίως όμως επιλέγει να μην πει ακόμα περισσότερα.
In order to persuade the EU of his putatively good intentions. Erdogan agreed to resume exploratory talks with Greece (that he had cut off in July, 2016) on 25 January.
When Trump lost the election he spun out of control as he could not reconcile himself to the idea of defeat and as a latter-day Mussolini he attempted to take Rome by storming the Capitol.
Over the last few years democracy has become more vulnerable and has suffered blows from within that undermine its very foundations: The judiciary, equal justice under the law, and meritocracy.
'I also call on Turkish President Erdogan to reverse his recent decision to convert the Hagia Sophia to a mosque and to return this treasure to its former status as a museum,' said Biden.
If there is one thing that the public health crisis highlighted it is that there is a lack of leadership almost all around the world.
Mr. Gao was picked to pull one of Beijing’s strong cards with a threat that could be interpreted as nothing less than purposely glaring inter-state blackmail - that if pushed China will not cooperate in the next pandemic.
Confronted by the pressures of his presidential campaign Mr. Trump is increasingly losing all sense of measure and his contact with reality and is full of negative surprises.
Brexit, once considered the unlikely dream of a motley crew of “eurosceptics” on the fringes of British politics, also weakens the EU.
Erdogan declared that if Greece does not concern itself with Turkey it has nothing to fear from Ankara, meaning that Athens should disregard its sovereign rights and ignore the illegal Libya-Turkey accord delimiting their putative EEZs.
The US president remains undaunted and spoke of “perennial prophets of doom” at the Davos World Economic Conference, the focus of which is climate change.
In contrast with the State Department Trump avoided any criticism of Turkey for its intervention in Libya or on the Libya-Turkey EEZ accord that expropriates large swathes of Greece’s EEZ.
Undoubtedly everyone is concerned, especially diplomats who feel that the efforts of many years are collapsing overnight with no planning or alternatives and without having worked out various scenarios.
Mitsotakis’ key argument in seeking clear and public US support for Athens (including the area of defence) is that Greece is the sole anchor of stability in a volatile region.
After the British elections there will be no EU enlargement. The western Balkans will be shut out and their stability may well be imperiled, with ramifications for the entire region.
Macron is at a loss and weak, unable to meet the demands of his role as the leader of a great and historic country which bequeathed to the world unique values.
Trump said tals with Erdogan were 'wonderful' but it was unclear if the two NATO allies made any breakthrough on the S-400 issue.
'The Erdogan-Trump part of the U.S.-Turkey relationship is really the only component of it that is currently working right now, Cagaptay said.
Washington’s concern is that deploying the S-400 with the F-35 would allow Russia to gain too much inside information of the stealth system.