Union leaders claim the bill will lead to a privatization of urban mass transit systems
The strike of Cosco workers in is carried out with a request for the signing of the collective labor agreement and their inclusion in the heavy and unhealthy bonus regime
Amidst skirmishes between some of the approximately 2,000 protestors and the large riot police force, one woman was injured by a flare and another suffered back burns.
The nationwide seamen’s union PNO has announced that it will extend its strike...
The employee unions at the Metro, electric railway and tram services have announced...
The executive committee of the nationwide seamen federation PNO has announced a...
A meeting has been arranged for noon on Thursday at the Ministry of Labor between...
The employee unions at TRAINOSE and OSE have announced a series of strikes...
The employees at the electric railway, tram and metro have announced a 24-hour strike for Wednesday, in order to protest the...
The nationwide federation of port employees (OMYLE) has announced that it will carry on its strike at the port authorities of...
The federation of civil aviation authority associations (OSYPA) has announced a five-day strike next week, which will come into...
The employees in the metro, tram and electric railway have announced a walkout on Thursday, between noon and 5pm...
The employees at the port authority of Piraeus (OLP) and Thessaloniki (OLTH) have announced a new 48-hour strike, for the...
The employees at the ports of Piraeus and Thessaloniki are continuing with their strike actions for the 16th consecutive day, after...
A series of demonstrations and protests have been arranged to take place in many cities across Greece on Wednesday...
The nationwide union of train drivers has announced a 24-hour strike in response to the government’s privatization plans for...
The nationwide federation of public hospital employees (POEDIN) has announced a 24-hour healthcare strike on Wednesday...
The employees at the ports of Piraeus (OLP) and Thessaloniki (OLTH) are continuing their strike actions for the 12th consecutive...
The inclusion of STASY and OSY in the new privatization ‘super fund’ has prompted employees at the metro, electric railway and tram...
A demonstration is being carried outside the Attikon hospital in Athens by employees who are protesting for a solution to a series...