The villages of Kontodespoti and Makrimalli were being evacuated protectively, a fire brigade official said.
The government’s long string of tax hikes was in large measure due to its inability to meet fiscal targets agreed to with creditors.
Tsipras scrapped plans to hold elections in October after losing the 26 May European election to ND by a margin of 9.3 percentage points.
Greek diplomatic and military sources are urging extreme caution both before and after parliamentary elections and throughout the summer.
The political favours passed in Parliament during the last days of the Tsipras administration brutally wounded democracy and shook the trust of the people.
SYRIZA has begun the month-long campaign leading to the 7 July general election by erecting a polarising dichotomy between SYRIZA as the caring left-wing party that is the only bulwark against a grand restoration of neo-liberal austerity that it says is expressed by New Democracy.
The entirely predictable outcry following revelations of a slew of unabashed political favours caused a panic in the PM’s office.
'The vast majority of counter-measures for 2019 and 2020 have already been legislated and implemented,' finance ministry sources say.
Conservative austerity versus SYRIZA social benefits and relief for the vulnerable is the ruling party’s new Manichaean political dilemma for voters.
With the amendment of the relevant Criminal Code article any form of non-consensual sex is considered felony rape. The punishment will be a mandatory ten-year prison sentence.
The government lacked even the slightest cognisance of the impact of its policies on the economy and society.
Specifically, the report underlines that the measures announced by the PM jeopardise primary surplus targets for 2019 and subsequent years.
SYRIZA for years condemned the attachment to bills of completely irrelevant addenda but it appears to have discovered along the way that it is convenient.
Mitsotakis categorically declared that he will not fire any civil servants and that he will not have any future cooperation with former Pasok leader Evangelos Venizelos, who on 1 June left the Movement for Change
The financial daily reports that investors are already buying up Greek stocks as they view the electoral results to date as the prelude of a victory for conservative-liberal New Democracy.
Citizens’ assessment of the administration of Mr. Tsipras and his fellow-travelers led them to an absolute denunciation of the government.
The draft code is the result of consultations over several years in legislative committees in cooperation with law professors, judges, prosecutors, and bar associations.
“Moody’s expects a more rapid rate of increase in deposits and a gradual drop in NPLs,” said VP-Senior Credit Officer Nontas Nikolaidis.
The survey gave New Democracy a high of 36. 5 percent and a low of 31.5 percent compared to a high of 27.5 percent and a low of 22.5 percent for SYRIZA,
'There are only Piraeus residents and we want them by our side. We do not have the many and the few. We have only Piraeus Victorious for everyone,' the leader of Olympiacos FC said.