
In a televised interview on Skai, former head of SYRIZA Alekos Alavanos attacked the leftist parties, while supporting a “Grexit”! Mr. Alavanos supports an exit from the euro, stressing that “despite no great political force expressing the idea of leaving the Eurozone”, a great portion of society is slowly reevaluating the euro-centric government policies. The shock from reverting to the drachma would “last weeks or a few months”, before opening up great opportunities.

Regarding government partner DIMAR, Mr. Alavanos criticized Mr. Kouvelis’ stance and “support of politics that have nothing to do with the Left”, such as the political mobilization of Metro workers and police brutality. Mr. Alavanos explained that SYRIZA reminds him of DIMAR before it became a government partner. When the discussion moved on to the recent support of the euro, Mr. Alavanos’ estimation is that “SYRIZA is participating in a campaign of fear”.

When asked about KKE, the Communist party, Mr. Alavanos noted that “it constantly turns in on itself” and that he is not convinced that KKE will be able to expand its voting base.