The tragic situation experienced on the Aegean islands and the capital is unprecedented, due to the profound influx of migration. The fragmentary efforts to tackle the problem are clearly insufficient and it is clear that the government planning and coordination is problematic.

According to the UN, Greece has been under the greatest pressure from the wave of migration in recent months. Just last week alone there were more than 20,000 migrants who arrived in Greece, primarily on the islands. In July there were more than 50,000 arrivals, which is more than the total sum for 2014.

As the UN admits, our country is naturally unable to address this huge humanitarian crisis. The European Union must urgently contribute financially and with equipment, while receiving refugees to at least mediate this unacceptable situation.

Unfortunately, even though we have a minister for migration policy, it seems that we are unable to draw up a rudimentary plan and organize the relevant services in order to receive any assistance as well as alleviating the pressure experienced in the local island communities.

The UNHCR’s appeal for someone to coordinate the aid from international organization is characteristic. Leadership and vision are also required, for the humanitarian aid mechanism to function. The relevant minister may not have gone on a vacation, as Mr. Flampouraris quipped, but it turns out that she cannot manage the problem that was assigned to her.

It is clear that no problem can be dealt with statements and good intentions. The government is lacking the necessary organization, commitment and determination to address a problem this great. The mass transit of refugees to Athens merely shifts the problem elsewhere, without providing any meaningful way out. It is imperative to take advantage of any help offered by Europe, the UN and other international organizations without delays, so that we may then demand more radical support measures. It is high time the ministers realized that their role is to provide solutions, rather than statements and wishful thinking…