The government vice president Evangelos Venizelos commented that he is in favor of a change in electoral law, in reference to the problems potentially stemming from the upcoming Presidential election in early 2015. Mr. Venizelos argued that “institutional solutions are required”, which in turn “stem from what the Constitution provides; a consensus for the election of the President”.
When asked about his Monday afternoon meeting with Prime Minister Samaras, the VP noted that “coordinating a final and safe exit from the crisis” as well as foreign policy were at the forefront of their discussions. Mr. Venizelos accused SYRIZA of “choosing the easy path of demagogy” and lying to the Greek people.
The Minister of Finances Gikas Hardouvelis was also present at the meeting, in order to discuss the latest financial developments, as the troika is set to return to Athens in about ten days. Both Mr. Samaras and Mr. Venizelos were deeply concerned about the reactions of their MPs over the controversial ENFIA tax and discussed means of deescalating the tension.