The election results of the Athens Bar Association have confirmed a trend that emerged in the elections of other prominent scientific associations and union organizations.

In these elections, the people and factions who can defend the interests of their professional sector are elected and chosen above those who chose to focus on their partisan allegiances or their objection to the political management of the crisis.

It turns out that the pro-bailout/anti-bailout dilemma that many candidates believe is a critical element of an electoral confrontation does not attract voters and is not enough to give that extra push needed by those who insist upon generalized protest rhetoric, to win over the voters.

One again, the people turn out to be more suspicious, more responsible that political and union leaderships. They prove that they are not interested in the trench warfare; that they are seeking out new people and factions to trust and be inspired by in their everyday struggle.

The era of slogans and easy demagoguery is apparently over, for a significant portion of society. The people are not looking for saviors, but people who are able to manage their problem, executives that are not identified with power management, who have not been worn out irreparably from petty political and partisan considerations and intrigue.

It is high time that the political and union leaderships got the message, instead of insisting on recycling the same tired and unreliable faces and not realize that the longer they insist on the practices that got us in this mess, the more society will turn its back on them.