About 10,000 plots of land and buildings that do not appear to be owned by anyone are about to be passed on to the State, reveals an article in Wednesday’s edition of Ta Nea.
The article notes that the real estate in question was documented in a cadastral survey that was carried out between 1997 and 1999 in 340 areas in Greece. So far, about 200,000 plots do not appear to have owners, with 160,000 being fields and plots, while the remaining 40,000 are buildings, apartments and stores.
According to the relevant legislation any land that is not declared at the Land Registry is passed on to the State. The owners may appeal to the courts to claim compensation, but they will not be unable to reclaim ownership of the real estate. This seized real estate property will be managed by the Ministry of Finances, however it is not known whether there are any plans for further development.
Paradoxically, ownership of a lot of these plots and buildings may already belong to the State, as up until the summer of 2013 the Greek state was not obliged to declare its assets to the Land Registry.