This government, although unlucky by birth, is comprised of… lucky people. They are more or less governing unopposed while the people are in uproar. Are they actually governing though?

The SYRIZA party emerged as a coalition of smaller leftist parties and people from the broader Left, who usually did not make into Parliament. The party founders spoke about the different political trends, so it is not really news when clashes brake out within it. The departure of Mr. Lafazanis, who was essentially the leader of the internal opposition, created the impression that the president of SYRIZA (Mr. Tsipras) would be the leader.

When the brake up concluded and Mr. Lafazanis did not make in Parliament in the September elections, everyone expected the government to start work… But the roots of the disagreement run deep. Ever since the elections we have witnesses events unfold that even more tense than those involving the former President of Parliament Zoi Konstantopoulou. For example, Mr. Dritsas is disputing the deal between his (leader and) Prime Minister and the Chinese for the port of Piraeus. However, Mr. Dritsas was present at the signing of the contract! Who is kidding who?

As it would seem, the leader of SYRIZA may come to the “surprising” conclusion that his most loyal friend is Mr. Kammenos.

Life has its twists and turns…

Stavros P. Psycharis

Originally published in the Sunday print edition