Who is the… Calchas of our age? Obviously there are many, as evident by the thousands of adverts in the occult publications and media trash.

Fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, astrologists and other professional scam artists are fooling the people. Their victims are innumerable.

One can find whatever they desire at a video rental store. From astrologists gaining the trust of their boss and eventually accumulating political power, to the unrivaled Georgia Vasiliadou, who earned a doctorate on the stage with her performances!

The most impressive example in our age was that of the late Andreas Papandreou, who had a know private magician by his side, shortly before he passed away. It seems incredible, but during his stay at the Onassio hospital, the former Prime Minister’s family asked for the magician to approve the medication administered by the doctors!

Of course, the unfortunate case of Andreas Papandreou is different to the “similar” cases of Gypsies wandering through the neighborhoods and offering to tell the future of their foolish clients.

Just like there is a qualitative difference in the “information” that various media swindlers give to their political supervisors and the information they give to Prime Ministers.

The question is who these these swindlers wanted to expose and why, when they provided information from case files that are meant to be secret during the judicial investigation.

Are they magicians?! It is likely the case of an unstable government uncertain about its future that is enforcing its decisions.

Stavros P. Psycharis

Originally published in the Sunday print edition