So while the people are faced with a wave of taxes and cuts in pensions and benefits, Mr. Tsipras decided to demonstrate his… social awareness by handing out once again some crumbs and lots of promises. After deciding the dramatically slash the EKAS and faced with the surging popular discontent, he is trying to sugar the pill by handing out wishes and trinkets, which are not enough to cover even 30% of the losses suffered by those with low pensions.

Once more he is pledging free healthcare for the uninsured and electricity for 90,000 households; he is redesigning programs for the unemployed that only cover 20% of beneficiaries and of course he is promising to upgrade worker rights. Clearly the Prime Minister thinks he is addressing people who are not aware of what they have suffered from the government’s haphazard policy and will thank him for the generosity, while he uses wishful thinking for his social policy.

Unfortunately for Mr. Tsipras the room for social policy is limited if not null and he and his ministers who continue to pretend to be blameless for the country’s situation and economy are to responsible. With contradictory decisions and even openly challenging each other’s decisions, with measures that are on the brink and not implemented, there is not chance of finding money for a social policy.

When the use of POS machines, which have demonstrably contributed towards tackling tax evasion, is not proliferating, when public organizations and services do not adopt them, the state revenue will continue to suffer. When the few investment attempts are faced with endless state bureaucracy or presumptuous government officers, then we will be seeking salvation in basic unemployment benefits, rather than create new jobs.

Society is tired Mr. Tsipras, disappointed from your endless and empty promises. The discontent and anger towards you will not be addressed with another dose of unfulfilled visions that are crumbling under the weight of the harsh reality experienced by the people. You may be trying to blame the situation on the “old regime”, as per your usual tactics, but the people know that you are governing, that you have the responsibility for what you promised and burdened them with, for what you cannot do…