The Chairman of the Eurogroup and Ecofin Jeroen Dijsselbloem announced that the disbursement of a 7.5 billion euro tranche towards Greece will take place within the week.
Mr. Dijsselbloem made the statement before the European Parliament’s economic committee, after being questioned by European Parliament Vice President Dimitris Papadimoulis.
According to the Eurogroup chief, “a lot has changed” in relations with Greece since last year, with the atmosphere being “completely different”. Despite the differences, Mr. Dijsselbloem argued that the two sides are talking.
Asked about the primary budget surplus, which Greece’s central banker declared “unrealistic and socially unattainable”, the Eurogroup chief responded that it is not realistic in the long term and as such, it will gradually be reduced.
Finally, Mr. Dijsselbloem rejected claims that the Eurogroup will review the debt timetable in autumn, while revealing that the Eurogroup will do so at the end of the year, after the IMF has issued a report.