All governments lie – at times. In our age though telling lies multiplies the myths and constantly creates new political bubbles.
When lying proliferates and dominates politics, then problems arise that may even jeopardize the country’s system of government.
The Constitution itself explicitly prohibits any change or change to its provisions. Even for minor changes, an increase parliamentary majority is required. Furthermore, at least ten years must pass between reforms.
Finally, in its fundamental provisions, the Constitution explicitly prohibits any considerations to change them.
Obviously the “deficient minds” that “undertook the work” thought that a referendum could result in a fundamental constitutional reform, because that is how the people will vote.
In others words, the “deficient minds” could cause a state problem. And seek a constitutional dictatorship or… monarchy!!
Of course there is also the theory that these are lies, they will go through!
Hopefully someone will realize how much damage these “deficient minds” can cause to the country.
And that is how the rebuttal was made…
Stavros P. Psycharis
Originally published in the Sunday print edition