Despite the statements and government leaks that the agreement with the troika will finally close, it seems that once again we are faced with uncertainty. Rather than clear things up, the interview of three ministers raised more questions than they answered.

Combine that with the Prime Minister’s sudden trip to Paris, the situation is becoming increasingly complicated, as the so the so-called political negotiation returns to the table.

The three ministers announced that they will table a tax and pension reform bill in Parliament, without reaching an agreement with the troika and arguing that while we accept the bailout targets, we will decide how we reach them. This will almost certainly cause problems in the negotiations, at least that is what past experience has shown…

Whenever the Greek government spoke of red lines, it was forced to renege, with the indescribable negotiation by Varoufakis – which resulted in the tragic developments last summer – being the most characteristic example.

After three months of delays we are at a crossroads, with the government seemingly unable to live up to the agreement and bringing back the much-failed red lines trick. While the creditors monotonously repeat that the commitments must be implemented and the numbers must add up, the government is trying to bail out with the ineffective method of political negotiations.

With time desperately running out, Mr. Tsipras, who has full responsibility, does not seem to be concerned by the suffering from last year’s negotiations. He must not be deluded. The country cannot endure any further adventuring. The people who are experiencing the consequences of the crisis for the sixth year running, will be called again to pay for the delays and will not forgive yet another pointless demonstration of power that has catastrophic consequences for all.