The Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Panagiotis Lafazanis and SYRIZA’s parliamentary group spokesman Thanasis Petrakos will travel to Moscow today, in order to discuss the prospects of cooperation in energy and lifting a Russian embargo on Greek agricultural produce.

The Greek envoy will meet with Alexei Miller, head of Russian energy giant Gazprom, late in the afternoon, followed by the Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak.

According to the Russian news agency RIA-Novosti, the cancellation of the construction of two hydroelectric power plants, at Sykia and Pefkofyto on the Acheloos River is to be at the top of the agenda. The cancellation has been attributed to environmental concerns.

The Greek side is also expected to discuss the cost of natural gas from Russia, with Greece likely to request a reduction of fines in the “take or pay” system currently in place. Government sources also suggest that Greece will invite Russia to participate in a tender for concession of submarine plots to drill for oil.

Additionally, the two sides will also consider the prospects of lifting the Russian embargo on Greek agricultural products that was introduced last summer. Russia recently announced its intention to lift its embargo on products from Greece, Cyprus and Hungary.