The Onassis Cultural Center has announced the details of its short film and music competitions, which aim to showcase contemporary artistic creativity in Greece.
The focus of this year’s short film competition, which is scheduled for the 6th to 8th of March 2015, is the music and songs of Greek composers. There will also be an international competition covering all genres. Budding filmmakers must submit their documentaries, fiction or video clips by the 23rd of January 2014.
The second competition announced by the Culture Center aims to highlight the talent of unknown composers and song-smiths, as well as developing new forms and styles. The entries for this year’s competition must be in Greek and submitted by the 10th of October. The top 20 entries will selected and presented in a live setting on the 6th of December 2014.
Full details and information on the events are available at the Cultural Center’s official website.