It has been over ten years since then; it was during the financial bubble era of easy money when the late Christos Lambrakis asked to change the title of the financial supplement of the newspaper. The Financial Vima gave way to Growth.
A group of top journalists were called upon to materialize the plans of the late Christos Lambrakis. The new financial supplement, Growth, quickly became the finest in the Greek press. Today more and more Greeks understand the concept and purpose of growth. The State collecting money by constantly increasing taxes does not benefit the treasury, since the heavier the tax, the greater the tax evasion.
Growth means increasing production and productivity. It is the attemp to yield more from the efforts of employees and capital investments.
About four decades ago (1975), while in Paris, Konstantinos Karamanlis said that “there are things that are talked about and not done and there are things that are done but not talked about”.
It has been decades since we have moved on from the era of excommunications. Implementing promises of growth is compulsory.
The politicians and parties laying claim to power must present plans and growth programs for the country. The programs must be based on two pillars; the first is modernizing the state – that is the responsibility of those in power. The second is innovation – thankfully the Greek people have a mind and imagination.
Stavros P. Psycharis
Originally published in the Sunday print edition