According to an IOVE study, more than 450,000 Greeks are trying to start some sort of business. It is obvious that the crisis has motivated a significant number of young people, amongst others, who are seeking out to take advantage of every opportunity presented to them to set up a business of their own; they are trying to find a way out of this crisis that has been tormenting the country.

Of course, these are primarily small, personal businesses, which are in the services and retail sectors. There are, however, islets of innovation that aim to create new, original products or provide relevant services, in cooperation, mostly, with foreign businesses.

These islets must be supported and developed. Because we are well aware that the growth model of the previous years, where the dominant businesses focused on consumption and the internal market, has run out of steam. In order for the economy – and therefore new entrepreneurs – to grow and survive in an increasingly competitive world, it needs to turn to innovation, extroversion and the development of new technologies. These types of businesses, in conjunction with the growth of manufacturing (especially in the agricultural sector) are able to create new jobs and boost exports.

The opportunities and capabilities appear to be there. We have a generation of educated and often specialized young people which must not go to waste or be forced to seek a better future abroad. What they need is for the banks and state to support them, by diverting available community funds. After all, they are entitled to and deserve it.