The Minister of Finances Yannis Stournaras gave an interview to Star Channel, where he claimed that Greece has left behind it the threat of default and exiting the Eurozone. The Minister added that the country is beginning to enter a growth phase.
When asked whether a new aid packaged will be necessary, the Minister replied that a new loan does not necessarily mean a new set of measures.
Mr. Stournaras recognized that the current taxation criteria are unfair and that they will be abolished and replaced by an asset register next year.
Regarding the banks, Mr. Stournaras maintained that there is no chance of a deposit haircut and that the troika will leave when Greece returns to the markets.
The Minister revealed that relatives of his manage to live with “little money” such as his mother and in-laws, adding that he knows “very well what it is to live with 500 euros a month”.