
The Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change has proposed a stricter set of laws and fines to combat illegal logging and transport of forest goods, in a bill it submitted for discussion in Parliament on Wednesday.

According to the new bill, crimes causing damaged in excess of 10,000 euros are to be considered a felony, while the limit for a crime to be considered misconduct has been reduced from 600 to 200 euros; damages over 200 euros are considered misdemeanors. Sentences and fines will also be harsher if the forest is public.

The new bill also makes provisions for the seizure of transport vehicles used in illegal logging, as well as driver licenses and registration. The driver can reclaim his license after a three month wait and paying a fine.

The Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change decided upon the stricter fines because current legislation was ineffective in curbing the trend of illegal logging, which has grown to be a significant problem. The full bill can be read here.