
According to Eurostat’s data, Greece’s 26.8% unemployment rate is the highest amongst the 27 EU members. Unemployment rate for people under the age of 25 is at 57.6%, compared to EU average of 23.4%. The data also indicates that Greece has noted the sharpest increase in unemployment the past year.

The European statistical agency publicized the data regarding December 2012, with the information about Greece updated up to October. Eurozone and EU divs on unemployment remained the same, compared to the previous month, namely 11.7% and 10.7% respectively.

With Greece claiming the top spot with an unemployment rate of 26.8*, Spain follows in second place with an unemployment rate of 26.1%. The sharpest increase of unemployment was noted in Greece (26.8% from 19.7%), followed by Cyprus (14.7% from 9.7%) and Spain (26.1% from 23.2%). The lowest rates of unemployment were found be in Austria (4.3%), Germany and Luxembourg (5.3%).