The Ministers of State Nikos Pappas and Foreign Affairs Nikos Kotzias claimed that the former Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis pressured the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to sign the agreement which had been agreed between the creditors and the Samaras government.
In interviews on ERT 1, the two ministers alleged that Mr. Varoufakis was pressuring the Prime Minister into accepting the deal, so that he would not be charged with a painful compromise.
Mr. Pappas explained that the Greek government was also being pressured by the Eurogroup to carry on with the previous government’s policies. The State Minister also argued that the agreement that had been reached with the Samaras government was a “painful choice” and was pleased that it was ultimately rejected.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs similarly argued that the former Finance Minister wanted to avoid any ‘unfortunate developments’ in finances.