The Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) has reported that there were 854,517 people who registered as being unemployed in November, while only 120,353 (about 14%) receive an unemployment benefit.

Furthermore, 450,809 (52.76%) of those registered with OAED have been out of a job for 12 months or more, compared to 403,708 (47.24%) who have been unemployed for less than a year. Unemployment affects women more than it affects men (515,747 women versus 338,770 men).

In the 15-19 age group there were 10,975 (1.28%) registered as unemployed, in the 20-24 age group there were 80,741 (9.45 %), in the 25-30 age group there were 122,871 (14.38), in the 30-44 age group 346,910 (40.6%), in the 45-54 age group 184,307 (21.57%), in the 55-64 age group there were 100,818 (11.8%) and in the 65+ age group there were 7.895 (0.92%) registered as unemployed.