SYRIZA has contested the 2003 merger of ELPE and Petrola, on account that it is related to the Tsohatzopoulos scandal and recent revelations regarding kick-backs during that era. During 2003 Mr. Tsohatzopoulos was Minister of Growth.
Speaking at an international energy conference held in Athens, SYRIZA MP Th. Petrakos condemned all privatizations in the energy sector (DEI, DEPA-DESFA, ELPE), because he does not consider a change in ownership to be an investment. Mr. Petrakos promised that should SYRIZA win elections, these companies will return to state control. Mr. Petrakos also mentioned that energy is a social good and must be offered to citizens on affordable terms, while for multinational firms it is a commodity.
Mr. Petrakos warned that DEI’s destruction will bring huge increases in electricity tariffs, while he also considered necessary, albeit late, the government’s verbal warning at the UN regarding Turkey’s issuing permits for the research of hydrocarbons in Greek waters.
The Deputy Minister of Growth Notis Manitakis, who hoped that 2013 would be the final “difficult” year, presented the basic adjustments to the bill he will submit in Parliament, detailing the government’s five focus points: financial stability, enhancing cash fluidity, structural changes( deregulation, simplification of export procedures, environmental permits etc…), attracting investments and Public-Private sectors Partnerships and privatizations.
EMP Niki Tzavela expressed her support of shale gas, despite the environmental worries. Mrs. Tzavela explained that shale gas helped significantly in reducing the cost of natural gas in the USA. Mrs. Tzavela also mentioned that the Commission supports Greece in becoming an energy hub for the transfer of fuel from Eastern Mediterranean to the rest of Europe.