Editorial: The agony of the students

The problematic situation in education has become even worse, with the ongoing battle between the Ministry of Education and...

The problematic situation in education has become even worse, with the ongoing battle between the Ministry of Education and unions, over the opportunistic and unplanned changes that are being pushed ahead, which will result in an open conflict on the even of the panhellenic school exams.

The thousands of student who are about to give a major and decisive struggle for their future cannot pay the cost of a pointless upheaval, merely because certain unionists believe that they can take them hostage and use them to achieve their goals.

However right they may be in their claims, the union leaders must understand that the ends do not justify the means. The practices that brought this crisis cannot carry on as if nothing has changed in these past few years. The political leaders may be largely responsible for our current situations, but the union leaders are not blameless either.

We have paid enough for these corporatist claims. No problem will be solved from a splintered and torn up society that is always putting personal or corporatist over collective interests.

Likewise the Minister of Education needs to understand that the experiment and lack of planning and discussion in education will only add to the list of problems. He too is paying for his party’s pas practices of undermining all efforts to modernize education, by supporting all fair and unfair claims.

The usual victims of the conflicts in education are the students and their families. Everyone is looking out for their future, but they are always paying for the political and corporatist interest of others. Let the students fight their struggle in peace, without any further burden.


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