Russian Foreign Minister calls for just, viable Cyprus solution

Lavrov underlined that externally imposed, pre-fabricated solutions with artificial timetables are unacceptable, as the only vehicle for a permanent system of security in Cyprus is the UN Security Council.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called for a comprehensive, just, stable and viable solution to the Cyprus problem, in an interview with Cyprus’ right-wing daily Simerini.

Lavrov said that the principles of Russia’s position on the Cyprus problem remains unchanged.

He called for the restoration of Cyprus as an independent, sovereign nation with territorial integrity, a unified state that will guarantee the interests of the Cypriots themselves. Lavrov said that such a solution is the key to ensuring peace and security in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Russia for decades has been a staunch supporter of the Republic of Cyprus on a a host of UN Security Council resolutions that affect the future of the island, divided by the ongoing Turkish military occupation.

Lavrov underlined that externally imposed, pre-fabricated solutions with artificial timetables are unacceptable, as the only vehicle for a permanent system of security in Cyprus is the UN Security Council.

The Russian foreign minister also called for an international conference on Cyprus, with the participation of the five permanent members of the Security Council, one of which is the Russian Federation.

Lavrov noted that the support of this proposal by the president of Cyprus, Nikos Anastasiadis, both in his speech at the UN General Assembly and during his last visit to Moscow, ‘’will assist the efforts to create a new security system, which will address the contemporary realities and needs of Cyprus.’’

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