New Democracy leads Syriza by 8.5 percentage points in new poll

New Democracy leads Syriza by 8.5 percentage points in a new survey conducted by the Pro Rata company, in terms of potential electoral influence among respondents who said that there was over a 50 percent likelihood that they would vote for a particular party.

New Democracy leads Syriza by 8.5 percentage points in a new survey conducted by the Pro Rata company, in terms of potential electoral influence among respondents who said that there was over a 50 percent likelihood that they would vote for a particular party.

The same poll found that the new centre-left party led by Pasok president Fofi Gennimata, which is called Movement for Change (Kinima Allagis), garners an amazing 18 percent among respondents.

The findings were published in the daily newspaper Efimerida ton Syntakton (literally, the newspaper of the reporters), in the second installment of the Pro Rata survey.

Gennimata’s Movement for Change registered 18 percent, compared to the 14 percent registered by the new party’s precursor, Democratic Alliance (Pasok plus the smaller Democratic Left party) in September.

The Greek Communist Party (KKE) has increased its electoral base to 14.5 percent from 11 percent in September.

General dissatisfaction with parties

Respondents registered their dissatisfaction with both the government and the main opposition, and they expressed a general disappointment with political parties.

Only 13 percent of voters said they were satisfied with ruling Syriza’s performance, while 22 percent expressed their satisfaction with New Democracy.

Analytically, in the overall sample New Democracy garners 33 percent of the vote, compared to 24.5 percent for Syriza, 18 percent for the Movement for Change, 14.5 percent for the KKE, 7.5 percent for the Centrists’ Union, seven percent for Golden Dawn, six percent for Plefsi Eleftherias (a pro-drachma Syriza splinter party), and five percent for Independent Greeks (Syriza’s junior partner in the ruling coalition).

The poll was conducted between 28 November and 1 December with a sample of 1,000 respondents who were over 17 years of age, by means of personal interviews and use of a questionnaire.

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