Dijsselbloem: “Greece does not need a third bailout”

The president of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem disputed rumors of Greece needing a third bailout package – which is said...

The president of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem disputed rumors of Greece needing a third bailout package – which is said to be about 30 to 50 billion euros – in an interview to Dutch television network RTLZ.

Mr. Dijsselbloem essentially rejected earlier comments made by the Spanish Minister of Finances Luis de Guindos, who alleged that talks for a third bailout were already under way. Nevertheless, Mr. Dijsselbloem argued that after the current program concludes and should Greece require further assistance, then the Eurozone is prepared to consider further aid.

The Eurogroup chief also took the opportunity to express his frustration with the Greek government’s moves, adding that very little has been done and that the serious negotiations have not yet began. Mr. Dijsselbloem accused the Greek government of winning the elections with many promises, for which they do not have the funds to materialize.

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