The Israeli Growth Minister met Prime Minister Samaras on Tuesday and asked him to participate in the negotiations Israeli-Palestinian negotiations as a mediator. The Minister also explained that Israel wants its natural gas pipeline to access Europe via Greece.
The Prime Minister Samaras met with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem, where he vowed to protect democracy in its birthplace. Mr. Peres commended Mr. Samaras for his efforts in tackling neo-Nazism in Greece, adding that such a blemish on in the history of democratic country must not be allowed.
The Israeli President congratulated Mr. Samaras for his handling of the financial crisis while professing that there must be hope. At 8pm Mr. Samaras was invited to speak at a Greek-Israeli business forum.
Earlier in the day, Mr. Samaras met with Archbishop of Jerusalem and Palestine Theofilos at the Holy Sepulcher. At their meeting at the Patriarchate, the Prime Minister was awarded with the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulcher.