
The Ministry of Administrative Reform has publicized its report that estimates 667,733 civil employees, following a request by SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras. The Ministry also stated that there are 17,576 fewer civil servants since February 2012.

Of the 667,733 civil servants, 571,123 are permanent civil servants, judicial and public functionaries, 54,646 are permanent private law employees, 35,782 are temporary private law employees, 3,957 are hired for specific projects, 1,171 are paid on hourly and daily rates and 1,054 are revocable.

Regarding recruitment between 1.1.2012 and 31.10.2012, the Mr. Manitakis estimated that 3, 793 permanent civil servants and private law employees were hired, 393 employees were transferred from other bodies and 70 civil servants returned to their posts after resigning to participate in the May and June 2012 elections. The minister also noted that 29,041 people were hire in temporary posts and for specific projects.