The Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is scheduled to meet with a British team of legal experts in order to discuss the Greek state’s claims regarding the Parthenon marbles in the British Museum.

The team, which includes Amal Alamuddin-Clooney, Geoffrey Robertson and Norman Palmer, will present its proposals regarding the return of the marbles and will deliver a press conference at the Acropolis Museum at 13:30 after a tour. At 2pm the group of legal experts will have lunch in the Museum and at 4pm they will be guided on the Acropolis.

On Tuesday the group of legal experts met with the Minister of Culture Kostas Tasoulas. The Minister, who was optimistic about Greece’s claims, announced that the government would come to a decision and provide details on its claims at the press conference at the Acropolis Museum on Wednesday.

As expected, Mrs. Clooney attracted media attention, due to her recent marriage. On her way out from the meeting, Mrs. Clooney expressed her confidence in returning the marbles to Greece. Norman Palmer was confident that a “consensual solution” is possible, while Mr. Robertson argued that the British Museum’s refusal is “unethical”.